Abandoned Dog Pays Back His Rescuers, Protects Their Lost Toddler From Harm

Cooper the Golden Retriever was just a puppy when he was abandoned. A North Dakota family rescued him from dying on the roadside. They adopted him, and soon, Cooper became an inseparable part of the family.

Source: HLN/YouTube

One day, Carson, the family’s 3-year-old toddler, was playing with his toy truck in the yard, when he wandered off to explore the farm. When Carson’s mother, Courtney, realized that Carson had gone missing, she panicked and started looking for him everywhere.

The family’s only hope was that since Cooper was missing too, they hoped that he would protect Carson from all harm. Soon, the authorities were informed. Police officers, a search plane, a search dog and more than 200 volunteers showed up to help look for Carson.

Source: HLN/YouTube

After a frantic 24-hour search, a search team found Carson a mile away from his house. The loyal Cooper was lying over him, protecting him from the freezing rains. Carson had ripped clothes and muddy shoes and socks, but thanks to Cooper, he was unharmed.

Source: HLN/YouTube

Carson told his parents how Cooper had looked out for him when he was lost and scared. What a touching payback from the faithful dog. Good boy, Cooper! You are our hero!

Check out the video below to watch the heartwarming story of Cooper and Carson!

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