Thugs Hold Knife To Man’s Throat & Make Him Fork Over His American Bulldog Pup

David Waters and his girlfriend, Caitlin Maley, of Glasgow, Scotland, had just added a new addition to their family two weeks ago: a nine-week-old American Bulldog puppy named Cairo.

The couple fell head over heels for the pup, so when he was stolen right out of their own home, they were left completely devastated and sick to their stomachs. 

Now, the couple is offering a $2,000+ reward for the safe return of their beloved pup, who they hadn’t even gotten to take on his first walk yet.

The robbery happened when Waters answered the doorbell to find three men wearing ski masks standing before him. They put an axe and knife to Waters’ head while telling him not to move.

That’s when they went into his living room, snatched Cairo, ran out of the house and down the street before driving off in a car.

Caitlin Maley/Facebook

The couple had just shared the dog on their Instagram and believe they were targeted. They heard people outside their house at 4am the night before, and think that may have been related.

“I’m devastated and so worried,” Maley told Yahoo News. “Can’t believe that someone would come into my own home and do this. I’m just worried about him. We just want him found. Even if he gets passed to somebody and they take the reward, we don’t care we just want him back.”

Caitlin Maley/Facebook

The incident is now being investigated, and Detective Constable Christopher Sneddon is asking anyone with any information on the attack, Cairo’s whereabouts, or any info about attempts to sell the pup to please come forward immediately.

H/T to Yahoo News.

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