Vets Perform Emergency Surgery On Dog Who Ate 34 Christmas Tree Decorations

The holidays are a time of joy and celebration but there are also dangers lurking. A seven-year-old Labrador Retriever from Bournemouth in England nearly lost his life because of a holiday accident.

Marley’s owner, Rachel Bulmer, told the BBC that her dog ate 34 homemade Christmas tree decorations made of gingerbread. The ornaments had ribbons attached, and the dog ate those, too.

Source: Brendan Hollis/Unsplash

Bulmer rushed Marley to the vet when he seemed to go into shock. Bulmer felt terrible afterward because she thought the decorations were out of the dog’s reach in gift bags.

“Over the years Marley’s been no stranger to eating things he shouldn’t and usually they pass through,” Bulmer shared. “But this time he started acting strangely and looked like he was going into shock. He was violently sick and brought up some of the ribbons.”

Source: Sincerely Media/Unsplash

Marley required two separate operations to get the ribbons out since they could cause blockages. They also found many bones in Marley’s stomach. He made it through but needed 24-hour-care before being discharged four days later.

Always be sure to keep an eye on your pets this holiday season to avoid accidents, emergency surgery, or worse things from happening.

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