This Adorable Bulldog Tries To Get Out Of Exercising On The Treadmill

We all know that taking care of our health is priority numero uno. But going to the gym isn't always easy. We're very fast at coming up with excuses for not going to the gym for a workout.

Guess, we're not the only ones… This viral video posted by America's Funniest Home Videos shows this one adorable bulldog finding himself on a treadmill who did not seem pleased.

As the cute little bulldog keeps up with the moving platform below him, we can't help but cheer him on. But as soon as the human cheers him on with a “Good boy!” he tries to sit down, rolling towards the edge of the platform! lol

Just look at the look of surprise on his face: He doesn't understand why he's still moving when he has clearly decided his walk was over.

“Coming from someone who has owned 3 bulldogs, even if you take them outside on a ‘real' walk, they still sit down in the middle of the sidewalk in protest,” commented YouTuber user Anna Talbot. “They do not love to exercise, that's for sure.”

No matter how this bulldog found himself in the middle of an unexpected workout, we can't help but applaud him for trying. We hope that he's getting plenty of rest and treats for his valiant efforts. Hopefully this little guy enjoys walking outdoors more. (And sometimes, laying down in the grass for a quick break.)

Check out the adorable video on the next page:

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