Bulldog Sister Is Afraid Her Brother Is Going To Drown… She Does THIS!

Jäger the sister English Bulldog must’ve had a bad experience with water because when her brother goes to get in the pool, she refuses to let him… even though her brother has his life vest on!

She seems to be telling his brother, “Come here… you don't know how to swim!” or maybe “It's just too dangerous out there! We bulldogs aren't meant to engage in such dangerous activity!” lol

Jäger seems to be convinced that bulldogs can't swim, and she's taking no chances with her brother even if he has a life vest on! What a sweet sister!!

This lifeguard bulldog will save you from the unsafe water!

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390 thoughts on “Bulldog Sister Is Afraid Her Brother Is Going To Drown… She Does THIS!

  1. My bulldogs swim fine. With and without the vests. Had to take the vest away from one because she had too much confidence and was chasing ducks way too far out on the lake!

  2. She is NOT trying to save her! I keep seeing this video out there and it’s NOT cute !! The dog being dragged out of the pool does not look amused!! She’s getting scraped on the side of the pool, dragged against her will , while people laugh at her misfortune. Real cute!! SMH

  3. Always one that thinks they know everything, not my dog, doubt it’s hurt though. Don’t you have something better to do w/ yourself aside judging others? JS Don’t you have a protest or vigil to go to, why you got to try and bother people? Rhetorical, no need to reply…

  4. Our bullies swim in the pool with their vests all the time. It is their favorite activity. They go nuts when they see us put on the swimsuits. If you own a pool it is important to teach them so they know where to exit and don’t panic if they fall in.They can swim for short spurts without vests if they have been taught.

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