Watch What This Bulldog Puppy Does To Let The Owners Know When It’s Time For Bed.

Many new parents experience this challenge: their baby will not sleep unless he or she is being held. He/She won't sleep in her crib, in our bed, or in her bassinet.

This is quite a challenge for new parents and deprives them of sleep every single night. Well, it turns out that the challenge doesn't only apply to human babies…

Meet Bear, an adorable bulldog puppy who knows when it's time to go to sleep. The “Beary” bulldog puppy apparently does THIS every single night as he gets ready to go to bed… and it's hilarious!

Just watch and see how the lip hangs! soooooo cute!!!! This bulldog is so PRECIOUS! Sleeping in Daddy's arms like a big BABY!

Check out the hilarious video on the next page for a good laugh as Bear the bulldog puppy gets ready to go to bed in his Daddy's arms!

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