Stop what you are doing and watch this video of a tiny bulldog puppy howling for the first time. It will make you laugh and squee out loud! Awwww! Practice makes perfect little guy!
Watch and listen to his adorable howling attempt below! …and SHARE to spread a smile! 🙂
Loved this video? You'll love this one even more as Benny the Bulldog puppy is caught on tape doing the CUTEST Pee-ka-boo ever! Check it out here =>
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Dennis Ho
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Kit Yee Kwok
Anna Krouskos
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so sweet
Bronté Fishy
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David Wolterding
Andy Fox
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Gemma Finlay sorry couldn’t help myself this is adorable
Amanda Speerly
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Diana Kranzel Artman
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Nathan how about this one
Thuy Farrow
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Dylan Farrow
Melinda Harshbarger
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Cuteness overload!
Justin Vance Van Acker
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Michael Piercefield
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Jacqueline Farrance-Antoine
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Howling for its mother … so tiny.
Dana Turko Reno
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Denice Baker
Mark Sorensen
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Karla Mae
Denice Baker
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Adorable! My granddaughters are begging us to get one.
Dana Turko Reno
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Here is my group, lol when Monroe was a puppy…
Brenda Featherstone
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Aww so sweet
Pete Rizzoli
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Ash Peake
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Curtis Newman
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Sabrina Smith
Jordan Braithwaite
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Phil Moore
David Campion
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Vicki Carr x
John Bernard Godfrey
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Dermot Rees
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Emily Ning. I think Hue.
Douglas Jones
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Amy O’Neill Jones and this is why we should breed our two cuddle monsters!
Margie Tidwell
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Omg so adorable
Kate Turner
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Jake Hammer
Amy O'Neill Jones
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We just have to!
Käte Göbel
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Max Zoeteman
Nathan Walker
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Chelsea Roberts
Kerry McMullen
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Caitlin McMullen
Daniel Sullivan
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Rebecca Andrade
Elizabeth Ferrario
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Poor baby very sweet !
Elle Harrold
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Kendre Pepa ❤️
Michael Piercefield
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too cute
Trevor Christensen
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Alicia Haberman
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you guys are killin me hahah this puppy fever just got critical
Nick Woods
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Katherine Bentz
Brian D Jones
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My two dogs loved it… They went into Bark mode.
Rach Hansen
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Matt Jordan
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Mari Alvarez Jordan
Mari Alvarez Jordan
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Nellie Boals
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I love it what a sweet picture
Johnny Marote
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Kate Marote
Kerri Jordan
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Brendan Bauer
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Brittny Krause
Brittny Krause
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I. Die. <3
Joan Cross
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Awww ‘B’ he really wants one x
Judy Hutchinson
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cutie pie
Grey Fox
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Christina McClure
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So cute