This sweet four-month-old puppy suffers from Swimmers Syndrome. Puppies with this disorder cannot stand. Usually, by three weeks, puppies are standing but Swimmers Syndrome pups use their legs to “paddle” about like a turtle.
Source: SBSTV/Youtube
Bbaekkom, or BB for short, can move about but he’s slower than his sibling who uses this to her advantage. She steals his bones and treats. Poor BB. All he can do is shout about it.
Sadly, many people opt to euthanize puppies with Swimmers Syndrome. Mainly because it can be overwhelming and expensive to treat. But BB’s mom refuses to give up on him!
Source: SBSTV/Youtube
Amazingly, BB’s older sister also suffered from the condition but by two months of age, she was able to walk. This gives BB’s mom hope! And hope is everything!
Source: SBSTV/Youtube
BB has wounds all over from crawling around on the hard floor. It worries his mom. She decides to bring BB to the vet. He will know what to do. The vet takes x-rays which reveal that BB’s bones are okay but his ligaments need repairing.
But they cannot be repaired through surgery since his condition is congenital. His sister’s condition was different and that’s why she was able to walk.
But maybe there is another way to help BB… Let’s see!
Source: SBSTV/Youtube
The veterinarian suggests physical therapy. Through the use of a sling to lift BB’s body and aqua therapy, BB’s muscles can get much stronger. This will hopefully mean he can use a special wheelchair! That’s great news!
Source: SBSTV/Youtube
BB’s first wheelchair is difficult to use but his mom and BB’s vet promise he will get better at it with practice and dedication.
As the vet says, BB has an iron will! He won’t give up and neither will his mom and his doctor. We are so happy that this little one has a bright future.
Source: SBSTV/Youtube
Let BB’s story remind you, and others you share this story with, that a special needs dog deserves a happy life too!
Source: SBSTV/Youtube
To learn more, check out BB’s video!