Brock the Boxer’s DOG LOGIC!!!

When you have a dog clamped to your leg trying to impregnate it you probably have two questions – what are you doing and why are you doing it?

What goes on in the minds of dogs has been a mystery for ages now, as they often behave in some very strange ways. That's the case with Brock the Boxer and his dog logic.

Check out the hilarious video on the next page and see if you can understand the logic of Brock the Boxer!

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98 thoughts on “Brock the Boxer’s DOG LOGIC!!!

  1. my boxer Jessie is the worlds best dog , she is so many things to us , our baby, our best friend, our playmate, she just makes our world complete. and she is mother hen to our chi, and our dash hound we make a great family the 5 of us

  2. My rescuse Boxer loves car rides. He lays in the back seat napping while on our way to the stores. At the store while looking at items or if I’m talking to long to someone about. Waiting patiently. He is so Well behaved he will lay on the cool floor.He loves his Dog food with canned food mixed. Waits for his treats while we eat our dinner. Doesn’t like most doggy treats but does like doggy cookies from the cookie bar at Petco and I softly dehydrate tripe. OMG he loves that stuff. Throws it in the air playing with it jumps in it bounces around the house with his tripe. Hes so goofy. Plays hard then naps long. Likes the cheap bargin toys from PetSmart and doesn’t tear them apart. Best dog I have ever owned. Ive had 7 Rotties in my adult life. Love them to death but Boxers are so silly and funny and fun. Oh and he’s not a leash puller. Actually a pretty lazy walker. Love him to death. Were so happy we were at the right place at the right time. And he is our family.

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