These Boxers See A Floater In The Pool, And THIS Is How They React. LOL!

These two big, beautiful Boxer dogs, Maverick and Baily, see a floater in the pool and are… let's just say, SPOOKED! lol

Wonder what they are saying to each other… and it's so cute and funny when one of the boxers goes around to the other side of the pool to see what it was and his head popped up above the pool! LOL

Check out this cute and funny video on the next page for a giggle 🙂

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140 thoughts on “These Boxers See A Floater In The Pool, And THIS Is How They React. LOL!

  1. LOVE this Kathy, we’ve had 3 generations over the last 16 years. We miss our Bella, Baxter & Brenna. The last of our line is Bonan who will be 12 soon and our rescue, Brystal who’s 6. After 16 years, I can honestly say that you never get over their loss. Thank you for sharing

  2. Malgorzata Cialon there is a huge difference between the activity and body language of the two breeds. When Boxers welcome their humans they wiggle their entire bodies very fast, it’s called the kidney bean or wiggle butt dance. It’s much different behavior than a Dane. While Dane’s can be exuberant, Boxer’s are puppies their entire lives. Plus Boxers are used in work that Danes are not, like police dogs. It’s simple movement, Boxers move their tails much more and much faster and are much more likely to damage them.

  3. Maggie Mayhem loves her tennis ball and plays and plays with it by herself. At times when she rolls it sometimes it hoes beyond the electric fence. She stands and stares at it and barks like these two. And jumps for joy when you come out to rescue it for her.

  4. I trained mine not to bark unless they are doing recon and feel we are threatened. (No shock collar was ever used).
    Boxers in the video are huge and sweet though. I’m hoping that cropping ears will soon be illegal- probably hard to find a vet to do it. I suppose as long as the AKC and dog shows support it then it will keep happening. #floppingearsarethebest

  5. Jessica Bentley the trick is to train them TO bark/speak. Then they will only bark when asked. You just need to retrain your chatterbox to speak when you give command. 🙂
    I trained mine to “recon” in which they will go look in every room and if someone tries to enter the home unannounced then they will growl and bark to alert us.

  6. Adorable dogs!! My guy is spooked by anything he feels doesn’t belong there, paper bags, a ladder or even a broom!! He brings us so much joy and laughter!! By far the best dog I have ever had!!

  7. i know it’s illegal in Europe. There is much debate about the tail docking… I’ve read articles of boxers breaking their undocked tails or breaking kneecaps of owners. I suppose as long as long as the AKC wants them docked for show they will continue with it.

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