[Video] Boxers May Appear Gentle and Loving, But Beware.. He Can Do THIS To Defend Himself.

Although your dog may not throw fits of rage every day, boxers may be internalizing some serious wrath.

We see the signs everywhere. From their looks of contempt while you wolf down your dinner to their bottled up jealousy of your other pets.

Boxers may appear gentle and loving, but don’t poke the bear…

Well, here's Buddy the Boxer defending himself against a dangerous piece of wood… demonstrating to the world what he's really capable of being and doing!

Check out the video on the next page to see Buddy in action on the next page!

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1,948 thoughts on “[Video] Boxers May Appear Gentle and Loving, But Beware.. He Can Do THIS To Defend Himself.

  1. This is funny for sure! I love my boxers and would trust them with any small children. Believe it or not though, my boxer has taken care of ground hogs in this same manner without even trying to take one bite. Don’t under estimate the power of the “boxer pounce”! Lol!

  2. I agree. Not funny. That dog has an emotional problem. My boxer bit an intruder in the$#%&!@*who was scaling my backyard fence last week. She gave me the warning I needed to get my pistol and call 911. Intruder is now in jail. He’d be dead if he had breached my door. Getting bit saved his life and possibly mine.

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