Boxer Investigates A Cardboard Box. He Definitely Was Not Expecting THIS.

In this hilarious video, an adorable boxer dog investigates a cardboard box and is shocked when a cat jumps out at him.

The boxer definitely was not expecting THIS… but the funniest part is that the cat went right back inside that box after seeing the boxer. haha.

Check out the hilarious video on the next page for a good laugh.

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70 thoughts on “Boxer Investigates A Cardboard Box. He Definitely Was Not Expecting THIS.

  1. My Aysia – I cropped her ears (my ex actually decided that ) I will never do that to another dog again. Her ears are beautiful but she was uncomfortable for weeks and for what propose? My poor baby- I learned my lesson

  2. reminds me of my boxer when he is playing, well trying to play with our cat hahaha she doesn’t like to play with him too much. She does play chase with him every once and awhile in the yard but she gets sick of it pretty fast. She only wants to chase him not be chased. Here my boy Cosmo with his sister penny

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