This precious little 8-month-old Boxer puppy Leia has, like most babies do, a tiny bit of an issue… she’s feisty.
Her owner, Dave though knows exactly what to do to calm her down and says this trick “works like a charm” every single time!
This has got to be one of the most adorable thing I've seen in a long time! lol
Check out the adorable video on the next page as Leia sucks on her pacifier and falls asleep:
Marina Van Der Weele Loedeman
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Jo Loedeman
Deze is ook zoooooooo leuk
Mary Dority
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Dianne Bradshaw such a baby..
Dianne Bradshaw
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Must admit Mary I haven’t tried this method lol
Jo Loedeman
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hij is leuk
Jo Loedeman
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,heel leuk,nu ben ik er achter hoe ik t moet doen
Rosemary Wothers Gentile
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Beautiful Leia
David Yang
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Mylene Yang let’s get one and try lol
Sharon Wilkerson Adkins
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Calm him down from what?
Brian Broz
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Shelly Broz
Rosemary Wothers Gentile
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Leia from Luke the Boxer
Lillian Heterick
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Jennie Anderson
Jeniffer Bravo
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Robert Bravo
Amy Koppi
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Derrick Mendoza
Elizabeth Gutierrez
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That’s cute! I
Rose Caulkins
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Aww. Precious
Irene Martinez
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