Boxers are known to be gentle with kids, even infants and newborns. Here's a video is a perfect example and demonstration of how gentle they are with them.
It showcases Linus the Boxer’s docile side. At 1:56 he rolls on his side and the fun begins with this beautiful baby girl.
At 3:00 you hear the mom say “I’ve caught myself a baby!” as Linus playfully puts his front paws around the baby’s legs.
Linus also snuggles and licks the baby and discovers that she makes a great pillow! LOL
Watch the adorable video to see just how loving Linus is on the next page:
Matthew Donatoni
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Amanda I can totally picture Tyson doing this with our lil pumpkin
Harold Collins
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Kaitlin Reilly
Morgan Richards
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Kirby Christopher
Carlos Rabello Neto
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They are special! I would like to watch something updated from this “couple” of friends..
Chris Jack
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Ryan Bouska
Christine Kurbs Campos
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Anthony Campos
Kye Byford
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Kirsty Petto
Melissa Stankard
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So cute
Pauline Davies
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Cole Fedderke
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Tiffany Anderson
Bonnie Mccune
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Love boxers
Pauline Neal
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They sure are – my boxer loves all 4 of my grandkids so much
Conor Souter
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Maria Souter Karen Harris Craig Souter
Mandy Viator Marye
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Michael Marye – so cute.
Brittany Mowfy
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Brandon Mowfy
Julia Painter
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Ethan Painter
Joe Blee
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Karen Blee
Santiago Arroyo
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Monica Guarderas Gabriela Arroyo
Sarah Ellen
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Casey Cochran
Casey Cochran
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Shelby would be so jealous
Pouline Pouh
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Marie encore une fois ce n’est pas celui qu’on pense qui est le plus mignon .. x)
Karen Taylor-smith
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Chelsea Louise
Blake Ingram
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Don Watson Jr.
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Ginger Bogaert see it will be fine.
Lynn Henry Donahue
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Boxers are just the best! So gentle.
Judy Marston
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Wish i had one , BOXER I MEAN .
Steve Coolican
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Chelsea Cross
Matt Slonaker
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Love Sailor Slonaker
Jose Garzon
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Stephanie Gonzalez
Julie Favreau
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Christianne Meertens
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Guus Simons
JoeTonia Hedding
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this one is for Nathan Carmona and C Antonia Carmona when yall are ready to cute
Julie Massacré
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Christophe Marchadier
Helen Smith
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Carrie Smith Helen Smith
Claire Nash
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Gail Florence
Wayne Cockbill
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Kodie Cockbill Millie Cockbill
Kaitlyn Mason
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I’ve seen this before- it’s one of my favs!! ❤️❤️
Heather A Johnson
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What I LOVE about this video…. Is as much as human parents are correcting the dogs play with feet & face kissing, they are correcting the child to not pull ears and skin of the dog. This is PERFECT example of responsible dog companions not leaving children and dogs at play that can lead to trouble.
Christine Madderson
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Bev King
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This makes me smile ear to ear. Precious! !
Frank Stark
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Best family friend ever you could not get a better family friend if you tried best breed ever❤️❤️❤️❤️