When Offered To Go For A Walk, This Boxer Does THIS To Show His Excitement, and it’s HILARIOUS!

Our furry friends love going for walks. In fact, walks are probably the best part of their days, possibly besides eating and sleeping!

They get to explore the neighborhood and meet old and new buddies along the way.

Most dogs sure do get excited when they know that they are going for a walk, but this boxer shows his excitement like no other!

Watch Tyler the boxer's most adorable reaction to an offer to go for a walk on the next page.

I think it's safe to say that his answer to the offer is a definitive “YES”!!

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370 thoughts on “When Offered To Go For A Walk, This Boxer Does THIS To Show His Excitement, and it’s HILARIOUS!

  1. holy$#%&!@* we can’t even spell the word walk and about 10 other words , he will bug the hell out of us , unless you tell him he’s gonna see a doctor, can’t say go either. love him !!!!

  2. Sad thing is there is that slick tile and can hurt himself jumping like that we learned first hand and top dollar from vet…. Becareful just to not use them for stuff like this in unsafe areas!!

  3. vet’s will tell you anything too make a dollar and i’ve had a boxer like this for the past seven years will be eight next money don’t need a vet too tell me what kind of floors dogs can walk on

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