Man takes his dog, dying of cancer, on an epic road trip

When Robert Kugler was told his beloved chocolate lab, Bella, had cancer, he was faced with a difficult decision. He could put Bella down – and immediately end their 9 year friendship, or have one of her legs amputated, buying the precious pup 3-6 more months.

Robert knew he had to do something extraordinary for his best friend. And so, Bella had one of her legs amputated and the partners in crime set off to see the world together.

Robert Krugler

“Bella joined me on an adventure across the country to explore this great land, visit many friends, encourage others to get out and explore, inspire those with disabilities to continue to Love their lives and enjoy the moment, and of course, to simply enjoy each other's company.” Robert said.

Robert Krugler

He continued, “I feel like right now this is my purpose. The chapter in my life right now is just exploring with my dog, I just didn't want her to be gone one day when I came home.” said Kugler.

Robert is a Marine vet and started their journey in Chicago at the Marine Corps ball. So far, the duo have hit Niagara Falls, Philadelphia and D.C. – finding adventure and joy at every turn. The two continue to swim, sleep, eat and explore the country together.

Robert Krugler

“I just saw firsthand what happens when you don't do what you want to do in your life and that's that you don't get to do it,” said Kugler.

Bella has now lived 8 months longer than her original diagnosis. Proving, a little love, travel and joy can cure just about anything.

Robert Krugler

You can follow their journey by visiting Krugler’s blog.

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