Lola is so excited that she starts crying with happiness after giving kisses.
Why are beagles so affectionate?
Most people who have owned a beagle would say that they are an exceptionally affectionate breed. But why are beagles so loving?
One theory is that it is due to their hunting origins. Beagles were originally bred as hunting dogs, and they would work in packs.
In order to function effectively as a pack, it was important for the dogs to be able to bond with each other. This need for companionship has carried over into their modern-day counterparts.
Another possible reason for their affection is that beagles have been bred specifically for human companionship.
Unlike some other breeds, such as guard dogs, beagles were never intended to work independently from their owners. As a result, they have evolved to form strong attachments to the people they live with.
Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that beagles are one of the most loving dog breeds around.
Beagles are known for being loyal, friendly dogs that make great companions. They are also known for their strong sense of smell and their tracking abilities.
But what about them missing their owners when they’re away? Do beagles miss seeing their owners when they’re not around?
The answer is probably yes. Beagles have good eyesight, but they rely heavily on their sense of smell to navigate and find things. This means that they may not be able to see as well as other dog breeds.
For example, a beagle might not be able to see a ball that is thrown across the room, but he can certainly smell it.
When beagles are away from their owners, they may feel lost and disoriented without the familiar scent of their owner nearby.
So if you’re wondering whether your beagle misses you when you’re not around, the answer is probably yes!