This Musical Tribute To Boxers Behaving Badly Is PERFECT

Boxers… the clowns of the dog world… the extreme silly whack dogs of all time.

They can ALWAYS crack you up. No matter what. Such wonderful clowns. They are just so adorably BAD!

And that’s one of the numerous reasons we love them!

Watch the hilarious musical tribute to boxers behaving badly on the next page!

It will make you laugh, guaranteed!

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1,094 thoughts on “This Musical Tribute To Boxers Behaving Badly Is PERFECT

  1. My Boxer-Girl, Macy loves to chew up leather shoes, and she knows how to take a lid off the shoe box to get at the shoes inside. If you find her with a shoe, she will lay on it to try and hide it from view. Love our Boxer

  2. John, that’s funny! Our eldest, matriarch of the family was one that never chewed, however she could open doors. I was forever finding doors wide open, w learned to either lock doors or put child restraints on them. This includes fridge doors & pantry doors!

  3. Sandi Jordan Campagna , Boxers are very talented with their feet. Our’s drives my daughter’s Jack Russell crazy when she wants to play, she will tap the Jack Russell(Charlie) on the head a few times to get her attention and if she gets no response, she will thump her hard and the chase is onLOL. I gues the Boxer(Macy) is getting her back because Charlie will walk up behind Macy and Bark loudly in her ear and again the chase is on. I am cracking up just posting this because to see it live is just hilarious especially when our

  4. I can only imagine a JRT & a Boxer, that’s got to be a sight to see!! When our 4 ( of the 5) were together (3 have since passed on) it was a day at the races.. Boxers flying everywhere. It’s a good thing we had a doggie door and a large backyard. No house could contain that race for a period of time! Thank you so much for sharing your stories with me, I’ve gotten quite the giggle at them as well as remembering our own. The baby of our 3 generations is now 11 going on 12 and our baby rescue is almost 7, they run and play but not like they used to. I’m thinking it’s time to rescue a couple more. Thank you again 🙂

  5. As the parent of 5 boxers in my lifetime I have seen all of this and more. It wasn’t funny at the time, but those are some of the best memories of the ones that have crossed the Rainbow bridge. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Pretty much sums them up..they are masters of the guilty face..but wouldn’t have themany other way..our Caleb may be a four pawed wrecking ball but love him to pieces. He brings more love and laughter to our lives… A few torn clothes are small price to pay.

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