Baby Trying to Walk an 80-Pound Bulldog Will Brighten Up Your Day!

English Bulldogs are so good and patient with kids & babies. Here's a perfect example…

An 11-month-old baby boy tries to walk an 80-pound English bulldog.

I like how the baby goes from being mesmerized by the leash (how colorful or maybe shiny it is?) to trying to trick the dog into thinking that “walking is cool” by pumping it's arms excitedly.

Nice try, little man! He can barely walk himself! (it's actually really impressive that the 11-month-old baby tries to walk a dog, let alone walk himself!)

Check out the adorable video of the 11-month-old baby trying to walk an 80-pound English Bulldog on the next page:

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536 thoughts on “Baby Trying to Walk an 80-Pound Bulldog Will Brighten Up Your Day!

  1. Nikki Davidson Morris I agree he looks very healthy. Dogs vary so much in weight and it is possible to have a heavier dog without having them be overweight. I agree also that people need to be more cautious and stop allowing obesity in dogs esp compact dogs lol. It is so bad for them and makes them miserable. But your dog looks great. People need to remember that the weight of the dog doesn’t always mean obesity. My pocket beagle is much heavier than what the standard pocket beagle weighs. He is actually thin but very muscular which makes him weigh more. When I take him to his vets office I weigh him in the waiting rm the recept logs it and then the vet sees that weight before she sees my pup so they always always think he will be over weight. Then they’re shocked to see him in such great health and always compliment me for being able to Keep him slender (as most beagles seem to eat too much and def have an issue of obesity thanks to humans).

  2. The average weight of a purebred pocket beagle is 15-18 lbs. my male pocket is 26lbs and he’s still a pup. But he has massive leg muscles (because he’s very active and also climbs a lot) and has a broader muscular chest. So lbs in a dog doesn’t always mean obesity.

  3. I feel the same way trying to get my 70-pound Mack to walk when he doesn’t want too 🙂 He is NOT overweight either, just very broad shoulders & chest & thick-boned. My vet is always very pleased with his weight.

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