This French Bulldog Knows How To Entertain A Baby, And It’s Hilarious!

Rupert the French Bulldog knows just how to make this cute little baby crack up laughing.

Observe his hysterical antics as he spins around in circles to the delight of this baby!

The adorable baby is hilariously entertained by a spinning French Bulldog!

This is hilarious!! Goes to show that dogs have a sense of humor too!

…and the baby's laughter is contagious! This will have you giggling and smiling from ear to ear, guaranteed!

Check out the precious video on the next page:

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34 thoughts on “This French Bulldog Knows How To Entertain A Baby, And It’s Hilarious!

  1. Please if you could help or just even share it so others could help that would be greatly appreciated… I know you do not know me but this is my baby … His Instagram is @mrjaxlee please

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