Someone Didn’t Want Their Puppies Anymore, Decided To Leave Them In The Road

It was just another day for Andrei Matei driving home when he saw a small puppy run out in front of him. He slammed on the brakes and got out to see if the little dog was okay.

But that’s when he saw two more puppies sitting alongside the road. They were all alone.

Source: Aura Vasile/Facebook

These three puppies were obviously abandoned here, so Andrei took them in even though he had no idea what to do next.

He drove them home where he fed them before calling some friends to see what the next course of action should be.

Source: Aura Vasile/Facebook

And someone suggested he reach out to local animal rescuer Aura Vasile. She would meet them over at the vet clinic as the pups were being treated for fleas and worms. When they were ready, she took them home.

Source: Aura Vasile/Facebook

Andrei couldn’t help but wonder over the following days how the puppies were doing but soon learned that Aura had found them all forever homes within the first week!

It’s a good thing people like Andrei and Aura exist or else some dogs wouldn’t get their happy endings.

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