Dog Starved On Purpose Sees No Point In Living, Rescuers Cry & Beg Her To Stay


The workers at “Rescue From The Hart” were informed about a dying dog who was being starved by her owner to the point of death. The shelter took the dog in after she was abandoned, but the chances of her survival were slim.

Source: Rescue From The Hart/YouTube

The dog was purely skeletal at this point, and her organs were slowly shutting down. The poor baby had no strength to stand on her own, while her body was full of sores from sitting without any fat-cushion. She was clearly dying.

The rescuers named the dog Angel, and vowed to give their all to save her. But Angel was so traumatized and defeated that she refused to respond to any of the rescuers. She kept staring blankly as if she was preparing to die.

Source: Rescue From The Hart/YouTube

The rescuers fixed her up with crucial IV fluids and waited for her to be out of her delirious state. Thankfully, her organs stabilized after a few days. In the meantime, little kids and well-wishers would drop by to cheer her on and motivate her to keep going.

Source: Rescue From The Hart/YouTube

The next challenge was to get Angel to stand again. To nourish her in her weakened state, rescuers would feed her tiny amounts at a time, as over-feeding could have killed her instantly.

Source: Rescue From The Hart/YouTube

After weeks of steady treatment, Angel finally rewarded her rescuers with the biggest miracle! She stood on her own and happily walked around to eat her spilled food! Her will to live was back!

Source: Rescue From The Hart/YouTube

In this video, we see Angel’s gradual healing and her ultimate recovery after months. You won’t believe how much she has transformed! We thank the rescue team who saved this tortured girl with their love and hard work!

Click the video below to watch Angel’s death-defying rescue journey and her sweet life at her forever home!

WARNING: The contents of this video may be disturbing to some viewers.

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