Bound in chains that outweighed her, no one heard her little cries for help

Andie was just a 10-week-old puppy living amid piles of junk and trash while bound by heavy chains. But her life is completely different now—just watch! 😊

267 thoughts on “Bound in chains that outweighed her, no one heard her little cries for help

  1. I agree with not put abusive on here but same time its real not fake and its up all of us to do something when we see the thousands being abusive for pleasure its not always fun to watch but these animals nomatter where crying out help.

  2. I can not believe someone would be so stupid as to put a 10 week old puppy in chains much less leave in a pile of junk tied with chains. These people are way to stupid to be in charge of any animal. Jail is too good for them.

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