An old dog smiles on his last car ride and leaves the world in tears!

Our dogs become members of our families as soon as we decide to get one.  We take care of them like a child, feeding, bathing and playing with them. We know their personalities sometimes almost as if they were talking to us.

Recently a Reddit user by the name of ewhippieyoustink2 posted a heartbreaking photo of his senior dog on his last day which he titled “An old dog’s last ride.”

The dog’s age shows in his grey face.  With his big grin and his eyes closed he it’s as if he is saying “I’m ready to go home, take me now.”
Are you the type that cries when you hear a sad song?  What about when the animal dies in a movie? If you are than I am sure this photo is going to bring on the  waterworks.

Take an extra minute today to give your fur baby a big huge hug or take him on a walk his days are limited and you will be finding yourself in this same position one day.

Share with your friends so they are reminded to spend a little extra time with their pets today! 

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