18 adorable K9 puppies in training who are trying their best to act tough

Like our police officers, our K-9 units are here to protect and serve. They train diligently to ensure the safety of our communities, and in the process, they form unbreakable bonds with their handlers and fellow police-dogs-in-training.

Below is a collection of these brave yet adorable K-9 recruits during their cadet days. Soon, they’ll be sniffing out the baddest crooks in town!

This little guy needs to grow into his ears…and his bulletproof vest.

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It may take some time for these canine cops to train and grow…

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…but there’s not greater moment than when they’re officially part of the force.

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Reporting for duty!

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During their puppy years they master the art of self-discipline, just like this pup standing firmly at attention.

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183 thoughts on “18 adorable K9 puppies in training who are trying their best to act tough

  1. I agreed wit Robert Boyd… its sad… we human are the most powerful living creature on earth, we got the abilities to build, self destruction, kill, luv, harm, safe anything we want or need! Sadly every single animal depends on us to live o die! GSDs r best 4 protecting… but ppl shud also luv n care 4em lik a child, nt jus leav em outside… ugh… thres pros & cons bout eveyting in life! Gsds r no comparison thy r the pros n best!!!

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