When this sweet girl, Angel, a greyhound mix came into the care of PAWs Animal Rescue, she refused to turn around and face her new home.
Her behavior led the rescue workers to believe that she had been terribly abused and was severely traumatized from all that had happened to her during her lifetime.
They said that she would only sit and face the wall and wouldn't move for days on end.
They would come and bring her food but she wouldn't eat a bite until she was left alone and no one was watching. They feared that she was too far gone to ever trust or love again.
Could you imagine how heartbreaking that must have been to witness? It makes me teary-eyed just thinking about it.
Thankfully, there's a happy ending to this story. Watch the video below to see what happened next!
Destanie Callands
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How in the hell somebody do that
Bryan Talbot
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I wish her an amazing life!
Deborah Edelen Stone
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many hugs and kisses,, so awesome to here she has a forever home and family:)
Betty Rubble
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It’s called head pressing and can indicate certain illnesses in dogs.
Maree Murdoch
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so very sad xx hope she gets better.
Irene Wilmont
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Very happy ending
Heather Deslauriers
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Sweet dog
Sharon Case
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I’m so happy for her.
Margaret Bossong
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This breaks my heart you gorgeous girl . So glad all turned out well and thank you to the family that gave her a forever loving home and may you all have many happy times together.What happened to the dog they thought might be her brother??
Dalia Gomez
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Be kind to dogs
Judy C. Fabini
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Love this happy ending. Thank you so much for rescuing her and giving her another chance at life.
Meresha Preston de Vries
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I have tried and tried but will never understand the mentality of an animal abuser. Any abuser for that matter. Dogs are our companions, they give nothing but love. What is wrong with some people to act so abusively towards a bundle of love. No love inside these people – only darkness.
Ann McKillop
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So sad to see a dog so traumatized, thank goodness he has found a loving happy home.
Charlene Obermark
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Sara Martin
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so glad she has a forever home, she looked a sweet girl…
Nancy Fuller
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Glad she has a loving forever home
Sarah McNamara
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I love a happy ending. What a sweet dog. And now seems so happy. ❤
Janet Grover
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So happy to see the change in the poor sad little soul