Abused bull has been chained his whole life, has emotional reaction when he’s finally freed

Bandit the bull lived a life tied to a chain. The bull has never known a life of freedom and liberty. This all changed when a man came to rescue him. The bull’s reaction to freedom is quickly going viral.

Across the world, bulls similar to Bandit live their life in chains. Many of them give up and pass away without ever experiencing freedom. Animal abuse is a prevalent issue in our world, and it needs to be addressed.

Fortunately, one animal refuge named Gut Aiderbichl is determined to make a difference. Christian, a sanctuary worker, heard of Bandit’s story, and immediately took action. He went to find Bandit in his confined stable. When he found the bull, Christian first pets the bull through the bars to show that he’s not hear to harm him. It’s evident at this moment that Bandit has never known what affection feels like, but over time, Bandit falls to his knees with Christian’s touch.

Then, Christian remove the shackles from Bandit’s feet, and the bull jumps and moves around with joy. He has longed for this day, and his freedom has finally come!

Bandit’s “dance of freedom” is touching, and it’s something that all animals should have the right to do.

Please SHARE this emotional rescue with your friends that love animals.

215 thoughts on “Abused bull has been chained his whole life, has emotional reaction when he’s finally freed

  1. Made me tear up as well, I fail to understand how ppl can treat animals like this.

    Some humans should be labelled, although I don’t know what because animals would not treat each other this bad.

  2. Sauvetage très touchant et émouvant de ce taureau qui vivait attaché et qui retrouve la liberté sautant et se roulant dans la paille fraîche. J’adore ! Et comment il remercie son sauveur c’est trop beau. Je lui souhaite une longue vie pleine d’amour et de bonheur.

  3. You people haven’t a clue. Ok maybe it aibt the greatest thing to be chained but the bull showed NO SIGN of abuse, he looked well fed and healthy, secondly the whining about it being chained it’s entire life deliberately leads the ignorant to infer he’s been chained gor years. The damn bull is at most probably 6-8 months old, definity no more than a year. They are probably registered breeding bulls and dont stay at the facility more than several months after being born until they are bought by a rancher.

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