Abandoned Dog Searches For Human Love And Desperately Chases After People’s Cars

The alarming stray population in Greece has forced the shelter workers to prioritize sick or wounded dogs over their healthy counterparts.

Blue was a relatively healthy stray, so, she was never picked by any shelter, and ended up chasing cars in hopes of finding a family.


YouTube/The Orphan Pet


When a woman saw the forlorn Blue at the beach, she was haunted by Blue’s lonely, hopeful smiles. After sleepless nights, she decided to rescue Blue from that beach.

The woman had no idea that Blue’s rescue would turn into a boon.

The kind woman arranged for Blue’s foster home, and even found her a happy forever home in Holland. But, this was just the beginning of Blue’s inspiring story.


YouTube/The Orphan Pet


It was soon evident that Blue had a special talent as a therapy dog. Her past loneliness had enhanced her compassion and empathy, as she was naturally inclined to comfort people in need.

She is currently in-training to be a service dog. We wish her all the luck!


Facebook/Blue Bayou


Update: We’ve got to know that Blue has officially completed her training, and is now a therapy dog! The dog who asked for help all this time is now the one offering her help. How poetic!

Check out the video below to watch Blue’s uplifting story of finally finding a place where she belonged!

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