Abandoned Dog Crying on the Side of the Road just Wants to Kiss her Rescuer! OMG!

While driving down a desolate road in Texas, in an area known to many as a dog dumping ground, Judy Obregon spotted a glimmer of hope.

Judy Obregon of The Abandoned Ones was driving down a road in an area known as a dog dumping ground when she came across this dog. When she got out of the car and approached, she heard the stray whimpering and crying.

Rescued ! 911 URGENT need FOSTER ! Found at Echo Lake ( Ftw , Tx ) dumping site ! RIGHT NOW Its almost as if she was waiting for someone to save her :'( Need FOSTER & FUNDs ( Female , no chip ) Two bags with deceased animals found next to her ( photos in comment section )www.taoanimalrescue.com

Posted by The Abandoned Ones "Saving Animals in Danger" on Sunday, March 26, 2017

The limping dog submitted to her rescuer by placing her head in Judy’s hand. The dog’s makeshift leash indicated that she was originally tied to a pole or fence but had somehow broken free.

But there she sat waiting for her owners to come back to her, just as any loyal dog would do.

Judy put Callie in the car and started to drive away. But all Callie wanted to do was thank her rescuer, and she did so with lots and lots of kisses.

The moment you leave Echo Lake ( Ftw , Tx ) well known dumping site for live and dead animals .You could tell she was still a bit afraid while we were creeping out of that hell hole . Doesn't take long to fall in love with an animal ❤I can't understand why evil hurts them ! Yet , they are so forgiving …with no voice !This video was taken moments after first video was posted for urgent help .Original Post : https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1373908142672391&id=184946124901938Once we got to a safe place , her back end was evaluated . She whined when touched , but as of this morning she is standing on all four . Praying nothing creeps up ..Donations are greatly appreciated directly to our rescue vet at Dr . Gibbs 817-294-9798 Or via PayPal @ https://paypal.me/taoanimalrescueHer name is Callie ❤More photos in comment section ..Love how she gives kisses ..again so forgiving , and another way of saying ..Thank you for saving me ! What was tied around her neck was also found on the fence she was near .We believe she chewed it off and managed to break away . When she realized she was in the middle of no where and dead dogs around her ..we assume she waited in the same spot she was abandoned.

Posted by The Abandoned Ones "Saving Animals in Danger" on Monday, March 27, 2017

They arrived at the vet for a checkup, and Callie was deemed perfectly healthy aside from her slight limp. But she will quickly recover from that.

Callie is currently being fostered, awaiting her adoption. She left her old life behind that moment the car drove away. Her life is now filled with LOVE and HAPPINESS, all thanks to the rescuer who drove down the right road, at the right time!

If it weren’t for Judy Obregon driving down that road when she did, who knows what would’ve become of this sweet dog.

If you are interested in adopting Callie, or a deserving dog like her, please visit The Abandoned Ones website.

57 thoughts on “Abandoned Dog Crying on the Side of the Road just Wants to Kiss her Rescuer! OMG!

  1. Quel comportement lamentable et honteux d’abandonner ce chien. Merci à la personne qui l’a trouvé et emmené. J’espère qu’il pourra être adopté très rapidement par une gentille famille qui l’aimera et lui donnera beaucoup de bonheur jusqu’à la fin de sa vie. Il faut punir très sévèrement les individus qui ont abandonné ce chien.

  2. Aaaaah poor baby. Glad that Must did go down that road. I love endings like this, as long f as she’s safe now. Wish I could adopt all of them, I’m even playing the lotto and if I win something I’ve always wants to open an animal shelter. That’s my dream. Can’t stand the way these little animals get treated, always breaks my heart and feel terrible cause I can’t help them all.

  3. Glad someone goes out every day to these dumping grounds to save these poor animals who doesn’t deserve it. May they be blessed & the humans that dump them hope karma comes around.

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