6 Problems Only Golden Retriever Owners Will Understand

1. You can never eat dinner without a pair of watching eyes on the side.

golden retriever begging

2. Just when you think they’ve grown out of the puppy stage, this happens:

golden retriever guilty

3. You can never say ‘no’ to those eyes. They’ll melt the hardest of hearts.

golden retriever eyes

4. NO other dog can make you feel this guilty just by turning their head.

golden retriever head tilt

5. Their wonderfully weird sleeping positions never cease to amaze you:

golden retriever puppy sleeping

6. Your bed is no longer just your bed.

golden retriever in bed

508 thoughts on “6 Problems Only Golden Retriever Owners Will Understand

  1. All true but there is so much more like you can never find both pairs of your shoes cause they took one , they relocate your pants, right after they go swimming they feel its the best time to go jump on your bed, random things end up in your bed like in my case its always the biggest stick of wood he can find or tennis balls that you havnt seen in months , when you leave for work and leave your car door open to go get something and you suddenly have a passenger that likes to go bye bye lol

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