5 Amazing Things Dogs Can Sense About Humans

#5 – If You’re Untrustworthy

Japanese researchers at the Kyoto University of Japan studied 34 dogs and published their findings in the journal Animal Cognition.

With the knowledge that dogs will explore an area or object pointed out by a human, they wanted to discover how long it would take dogs to realize they were being mislead by humans, if they realized it at all.

It turns out the dogs picked up on untrustworthy people pretty quickly. In one round, an experimenter pointed to a container with food inside.

The second round, the container had no food and in the third round the food was put back inside. But from following the experimenter to the empty food container in the second round, the dogs had learned not to trust that they would be rewarded, so they stopped following the experimenter’s cues.

However, when they brought a different experimenter out, the dog would initial trust that person until they were mislead.

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3 thoughts on “5 Amazing Things Dogs Can Sense About Humans

  1. I had major surgery that incapcitated me so I couldn’t walk my dog. Every day he lay lengthwise along my good leg and never fussed for me to take him for a walk until he knew I was up to it. He just knew.

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