41 Compelling Reasons Why Pugs Are The Most Majestic Dogs In The World

Don't let the pug's sometimes worried look fool you… they are happy little fellas!

Own a pug, and you'll have a friend for life who will love your company than anyone else. They will follow you around from room to room and watch your every move! lol

They love to be the center of your attention and will do almost anything to keep the spotlight. Not paying attention to him? Don't be surprised if he grabs something from somewhere and dash right in front of you daring you to take it away!

He wants your attention and will do whatever it takes to get you to focus on him.

There are so many other qualities that makes owning a pug a MUST. Here are 41 reasons to get you started:

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551 thoughts on “41 Compelling Reasons Why Pugs Are The Most Majestic Dogs In The World

  1. I love my pug, but buyers beware. Pugs take much more care than the average dog. You should know that if its above 78 or below 40 pugs cannot be outside except very briefly. This is because the nose/face structure does not preheat the air before it enters the lungs, and they overheat very easily. The wrinkles on their face are prone to infection if not gently wiped every other day. They have allergies and it’s not uncommon for them to have skin sensitivity to grass etc. They breathe very loudly, something you have to accept. Also it is a fact that the breed gets very dirty ear wax secretions, and the ears need to be wiped out often and irrigated weekly. Like I said I dearly love my pug, but unless you can commit to this level of care, please don’t get or adopt one. If you can’t take care of it right you shouldn’t get it.

  2. I have 2 pugs. A black and fawn. They’re pretty much brothers and just so adorable. They do have breathing problems but it’s not too bad. My pugs are fine in weather a little above 78 so it’s not that bad unless it’s dry heat then you have problem. My pugs don’t have sensitive skin at all and love being in the grass. They don’t breathe loud at all. Sometimes they snore but not often. My pugs ears don’t get very bad at all. We only clean them if they get really bad which isnt often. They are very calm dogs and lazy as heck but they get active when you say walk. My black pug loves being in the sun and laying out. The cold doesn’t really bother them either. They like being outside a lot and will play in the snow. My pugs aren’t like other pugs. Just because you read something doesn’t mean your pug going to be the same as what they say. Your veterinarian will tell you more than the internet. Not all pugs are the same.

  3. They are sassy but so good. I honestly think they are easy to have. We have 2, 1 is 7 the other 1 1/2 and they really are good dogs, smart, loving, loyal. They gave no breathing problems currently, they have a bit more snout than ones bred for the super flat faces, but of course they still snort and snore.

  4. Mine is very large for his breed, sadly they have bred them down so small, that the females can’t deliver vaginally, nearly all pug pups are cesarean, which is hard on the$#%&!@* My daughter got this dog, and I inherited my granddog when she moved. It does seem almost cruel to breed them. Originally in China they were a full/giod sized dog. Even sadder, the flatter the face, the higher the show value. It is cruel to breed selectively for unhealthy traits.

  5. Mine is very large for his breed, sadly they have bred them down so small, that the females can’t deliver vaginally, nearly all pug pups are cesarean, which is hard on the$#%&!@* My daughter got this dog, and I inherited my granddog when she moved. It does seem almost cruel to breed them. Originally in China they were a full/giod sized dog. Even sadder, the flatter the face, the higher the show value. It is cruel to breed selectively for unhealthy traits.

  6. Mine is very large for his breed, sadly they have bred them down so small, that the females can’t deliver vaginally, nearly all pug pups are cesarean, which is hard on the$#%&!@* My daughter got this dog, and I inherited my granddog when she moved. It does seem almost cruel to breed them. Originally in China they were a full/giod sized dog. Even sadder, the flatter the face, the higher the show value. It is cruel to breed selectively for unhealthy traits.

  7. mine has a larger snout too, though not as long as your black pug.. He also leaves his tongue hanging out and has flying button ears which are all show quality no-no s. I only know this because I read a lot of books about the breed, when I found out I was inheriting my grandpug. I really don’t think much of dog shows personally. At least not for breeds which have unhealthy traits bred into them for appearance sake.

  8. I had very long hair, and my pug sleeps with me, apparently, occasionally he would swallow one of my hairs. When it came out the other end it did not come out all the way necessarily, and was embedded in the waste. It would freak the poor lil guy out. We laughingly called them poop trains, because he would run around with it following him. Not desirable, but you have to have a sense of humor if you have dogs or kids….lol.

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