4-year-old dumps food on kitchen floor – now watch the pit bulls’ reaction

Humans have a tendency to put things in boxes: those people are bad, this breed is aggressive, that ethnic group is violent.

But sometimes it can be helpful to take a close look at things and not give in to prejudice.

Pit bulls are one good example of a group of dogs that are often stereotyped as aggressive and dangerous – and not to mention, difficult to control.

In the clip below, however, we witness just the opposite.

In it, we watch as a 4-year-old girl spreads out dinner on the floor as 6 pit bulls wait patiently for her instructions. They are so disciplined that they are able to resist rushing in for the food, despite smelling it right in front of them.

When the young girl finally indicates that it’s time to dig in, they continue to manifest great discipline and control and don’t fight over the food, despite that they stand crowded around one pile of food.

Have a watch at the pit bulls’ impressive behavior in the video below. 🙂

This video has received over six million of views on YouTube, with many praising how well the little girl handles the dogs.

What do you think about this sweet moment between a little girl and her dogs? Please share along if you agree this moment is impressive – from both sides!

70 thoughts on “4-year-old dumps food on kitchen floor – now watch the pit bulls’ reaction

  1. Those are well trained dogs. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t spend the time training and socializing their dogs the way these owners obviously have. And that goes for all breeds and all owners. Love the little girl also! 🙂

  2. Brooklyn and Adam Brookes….bit like your house? BTW, is that a kitten making a brief appearance among the dogs? Beats a hasty retreat when the eating is about to start.

  3. My sons beautiful Amstaff has been similarly trained
    She will wait for the final signal before tucking in…… But she is big and powerful so a close eye is still called for
    Got to love these big boys and girls

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