35 Healthiest Dog Approved People Food For Your Dog (And The 12 You Need To Avoid)

Have you ever succumbed to your pooch's cute face and fed them some of your food under the table? Being good dog parents, we're always looking for ways to please our fur babies…

As hard as many of us may try to keep our dogs on their canine diets, sometimes we just can’t resist slipping them an occasional human morsel.

A lot of people feel that dogs should not be given any “people” food. And experts advise us not to give your dog “human” because sharing our processed, high-in-sugar-and-fat-foods with our dogs could lead to them developing serious health issues.

However, if you’d like to reward your dog with table scraps, you actually can safely. You just need to make sure that you choose people foods that aren't harmful for canines.

Fortunately, dogs can eat a pretty wide variety of food, and in many instances, what’s healthy for us is also healthy for them (WARNING: but NOT always).

There are plenty of people foods that we can share with our dogs that are not only good for us, but good for our pooches, too.

Check out the “dog-approved” people foods that are actually perfectly safe … and even healthy on the next page!

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397 thoughts on “35 Healthiest Dog Approved People Food For Your Dog (And The 12 You Need To Avoid)

  1. Some conflicts in the foods that you can and can’t feed them. Can’t imagine how yogurt could be okay but milk isn’t. Also cheese and bacon were both on the yes and no lists. Also can’t imagine pasta and pretzels are okay. I know pizza crusts are not. Hmm. She does love her fish though! Expecially tuna!

  2. My two jrt boys love milk…after the cereal is eaten up. Their both 6 yrs old & have been doing it since they were about 10 months. They get almost a half cup…they dont get gassy, no diarrhea, no nothing. Vanilla ice cream is the same for them but they’ll get maybe two less than half teaspoon fulls. The only thing those dairy products do to them is make their breaths smell like milk. Lol.

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