21 Strangest Dog Behaviors and the Meanings Behind Them

8) Why dogs lick you.

Dogs may lick you for a lot of reasons. Dogs lick you to show you affection and love.

They may even want to groom you to show that they care about your well-being. Or they may simply enjoy the taste of your salty skin.

However, your dog's licking behavior could be part of its survival instincts too.

For example, when wolves return to their pups after their meal, they regurgitate meat from the hunt. The pups, too young to hunt on their own, would lick the meat from around their mother's mouth.

It is believed by some that this licking behavior has been passed down in the DNA, causing dogs to instinctively do it sometimes.

Licking behavior gets reinforced by a person's reactions like laughing, smiling, or petting. Your dog will feel rewarded and encouraged by any kind of attention.

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