20 Things All Pug Owners Must Never Forget

What some call ugly others might call irresistibly cute! The Pug has turned into one of the most popular dogs in the United States.

These lovable dogs with wrinkly, short-muzzled faces and curled tails are often described as a lot of dogs in a small space.

Sometimes playful and clownish, sometimes calm and dignified, always sturdy and stable, good-humored and amiable — that is the Pug.

It’s been often said that dogs are the only creatures on earth that love you more than they love themselves. Well, Pugs are no exception!

But sometimes, we take our furry friends and wonderful companions for granted. There are important life lessons that are sometimes easy to forget in our hectic lives, that all Pug owners must never forget.

If we want to pay back the favor and give them the best life possible, these 20 important reminders should serve you well as awesome Pug owners. The last one (#20) brought me to tears…

Check out the 20 Things All Pug Owners Must Never Forget on the next page:

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3,352 thoughts on “20 Things All Pug Owners Must Never Forget

  1. Not the best pic, but love them just like my own children..lost my pug ashley about 5 years ago and now i have these 3 goof balls…belle in the front, floyd on the left and fern in the back..couldn’t imagine life without a pug..so sorry for everyone’s loss..

  2. #20 has me a bawling mess. I held my yorkie as he took his last breath. He’s been home over 12 years now and I think about him almost daily. Just this week we decided to bring home a beautiful 8 week old pug. I’m so in love and clearly emotions are running high.

  3. I just lost my snuggle puggy Karma a few days ago. She was my shadow. Every where I went, she was with me in my small apartment, even to the bathroom. I miss her cuddled up with me on my recliner so much. Every night she slept with me, snuggled up as close as she could get against me. I am disabled and was alone in my home 99% of the time until I moved into my daughter’s in law quarters. I never dreamed their family pug Karma would then move from their part of their home to mine, but that is what happened from day one. I don’t know who I will talk to now that she is gone. This place screams in empty silence now. God bless her precious spirit. She was the best little buddy anyone could ever have been blessed to have.

  4. Hi Betty. I know exactly how you feel. I still haven’t gotten over losing my Bugsy & that’s about two years now. But as I tell other people going thru this heartbreaking ordeal, I can imagine my Bugsy now showing your Karma the ropes up there in heaven. They are happily enjoying their puppy lives again. Sending you hugs, kisses, & prayers. ❤XOXOXO’S

  5. Why don’t you contact Pug Welfare…we rescued Rupert in April this year and he is so special and has fitted in with his family of another Pug named Biggie, 5 Labradors Mum Dad and three puppies and a craggy little Jack Russel crow which I rescued at a home birth (Midwife) x

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