One of the best dogs for children of all ages, Labrador Retrievers are kindly, good-natured, and take most things in stride.
Most Labrador Retrievers are very friendly with everyone, though compared to Golden Retrievers, many Labs are just a bit more conservative with their affections.
It’s been often said that dogs are the only creatures on earth that love you more than they love themselves. Well, Labrador Retrievers are no exception!
But sometimes, we take our furry friends and wonderful companions for granted. There are important life lessons that are sometimes easy to forget in our hectic lives, that all Lab owners must never forget.
If we want to pay back the favor and give them the best life possible, these 20 important reminders should serve you well as awesome Labrador owners. The last one (#20) brought me to tears…
Check out the 20 Things All Labrador Owners Must Never Forget on the next page:
Hoàng Nguyên
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Mi Mi
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All Labs Matter <3
Limited Edition tshirt, have size for men and women.
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#labradors #ilovelabrador #blacklabradors #chocolabs #yellowlabradors #labradorretriever
Shivam Kumar
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Garima Bhatnagar
Kevin Buchman
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Yolanda Poland Buchman. #10 we will never have to worry about. 20 you should skip.
Herson Danger
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The last one so you have to click through all of them. #clickbait
Cindy Hoff Sloan
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I have a black lab/ golden mix,12 years young. All of these apply to her,but I would add they have applied and should apply to any dog,cat or any pet.
Michele Lal
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Melissa Pezzotto
Charlotte Wood
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Victoria Wood
Maria Herold
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I miss my lab Abby so much
Emma Spelman
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Darren Watt
Sarpanch Sp
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Last one …tears come in my eyes …i have german shepherd and i love him more an more and more ….
Lawrence Brett Sidles
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That goes for all dogs they need respect to
Denise Bridgette Kinahan
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Niall Kinahan Michael Bridgette
Sumit K Sharma
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Now, u will be more closer to me “Buddy Boy” Tanu Sohal Sharma
Vaclav Stastny
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Yes, I lost one Buddy he was 15y.old it was in 2005 it was very hard, now I have Buddy #2 he is already 10y just about my age and best friend what can I have. I hope that i will be the first.
Linda Gourdeau Moore
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OMG, cried through the whole 20, but the hardest at 20. We miss our chocolate, Lily. She went over the rainbow bridge April 8th. Miss her so much, a special friend!! Unconditional love!! RIP Lily, love you and always will.
Linda Gourdeau Moore
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So sorry, it’s so hard, You sound like a very good mom!
Jack Flute
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Simon Miaofor
Elisabeth Dawson
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Have a great lab he’s named Angus
Linda Kovacs
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James Milano
Alex Bramley
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Rachel Walsh
Nikole Andrade
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Fanny Tz
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Lisa Bailey Bouldin
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We have a litter of 12 that will be 5 weeks old tomorrow,they were born on 5/1/17.only 2 males,8 yellow and 4 chocolate.they are so precious
Joan Beckett Regan
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we lost our Doc April 13th to bone cancer & 5 weeks later our beautiful 14 yr old Kizzy I think she just pined away.
Joan Beckett Regan
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Hate a empty house , went to the shelter for a rescue , the next day , came home with a gorgeous Chocolate ,it was meant to be.
Maria Vivanco
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Eduardo Hernandez
Käthe Ramström
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En labrador är inget för soffliggare,men för den som gillar att vara ute i naturen och på fält där man gläds åt samvaron med denna fyrbenta kamrat.Jag vet för jag har varit en lycklig ägare till tre labbar,som har gett mig den verkliga livskvaliteten.Saknar dem alla.
Glenda Cullen
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Davie Cullen
Cruz Hiam
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Eli Samuel Caraballo Ortiz
Bill Hennessey
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I lost my Kona girl last year! She was my best friend! She made the decision for me I just had to say ok. I cried like a little baby!
Darren Smyth
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Gillian Edwards
Shelby Cook
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Rosemary Cook,Mariah Cook, Alyssa Cook, Jasmine Cook, Christopher Cook
Mike Van Ditto
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Love the composure of this dog’
Juanita Hale-Stuckless
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Melody Stuckless
Laura L Cruz
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OMG, this is beautiful! <3
Pam Donahue Ruminski
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Renée Ruminski
Elaine W. Senten
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❤️❤️ Hugs to u❤️❤️
Kay Axton
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Absolutely the best fur babies you could ever own.❤️
Rebecca Sutphin
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not if ur too lazy to read it. dab
Pamela Ecklund
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All of these are true, and #20 did bring tears to my eyes; I just lost my yellow lab a few weeks ago, and even though it was very difficult, I was by her side.
Cheady Ricafranca
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So horrible seing dog like this
Kereen Hemphill
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I got all the way to 20 & I ended up in tears . All the while I’m cuddling my 5 year old Labrador Luna .
My heart is breaking at just the mere thought of the day when I have to finally let her go to the Rainbow Bridge . Until that moment , I’ll be doing as much I can with her like I always have since I welcomed her into my family as a puppy .
Johnanderson Obra
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I Love Dogs..
Amy Huerta
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Josue Sirias
Liz Delaney
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Get mum to read this coz shes mean Louise Delaney
BeckyJane Sanderson
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Shane Bailey honey ❤️ joe ❤️
Bobbi Michelle Wilson
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Shelbi, did you read this?
Adrian Worth
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Elisabeth Worth
Francisco Lobo
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