20 Things All Dog Owners Must Never Forget. The Last One Brought Tears To My Eyes…

We may dole out treats to our dogs, but they give us the biggest treat of all: health, happiness, and years of slobbery kisses.

Loyal, protective, and always happy to see you, dogs have been human companions for more than 18,000 years, making them one of the first domesticated animals in history.

As a dog lover myself, there is no doubt in my mind that having a dog brings many upsides to my life. I mean, how can I NOT live happily waking up to a smiley face and wagging tail?

It’s been often said that dogs are the only creatures on earth that love you more than they love themselves. Well, ain’t that the truth!

Here are some of my favorite dog quotes that reminds us all how wonderful our dogs are:

“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.”
“Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.”
“Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend never owned a dog.”
“What a beautiful world it would be if people had hearts like dogs.”
“In a perfect world, every dog would have a home and every home would have a dog.”

a dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself – Josh Billings

Sometimes, we take our furry friends and wonderful companions for granted.

If we want to pay back the favor and give them the best life possible, these 20 important reminders should serve you well as awesome dog owners. The last one (#20)
brought tears to my eyes…

Check out the 20 Things All Dog Owners Must Never Forget on the next page!

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410 thoughts on “20 Things All Dog Owners Must Never Forget. The Last One Brought Tears To My Eyes…

  1. We just helped our 15 yr old Rat Terrier to his final journey, Jan 10th 2016. On Valentines Day we rescued a 4 yr old Husky. A week later the shelter called and said her sister went into depression. So, we adopted her too. Love my doggies…❤️

  2. Never easy to lose a furry family member. Good for you that you rescued. We rescued 2$#%&!@*hounds about 10 yrs ago. They were siblings, we lost the female a few years ago. The male is still with us.

  3. Yup #20 is tough. Did it 4 years ago and it still bothers me. Have a 12 year old Samoyed and he is doing well, but not looking forward to that day. The hardest thing I have ever done.

  4. I have loved my dog every single day since we first came together almost seven years ago, and will continue to do so until his last day on earth. He is my best friend, and has made my life worth living when I felt nothing else did. He’s on my lap as I type now trying to give me kisses. Dogs are truly one of the best gifts on earth!

  5. Brought me to tears when we had to say goodbye to our friend. ..she gave me a lick on the face in the vets before they put her to sleep and it was like a kiss goodbye she knew still hurts 6 yrs ago

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