20 Things All Beagle Owners Must Never Forget

These 20 important reminders should serve you well as awesome Beagle owners… if you want to go to the top of this article to view the post from the very beginning, GO HERE.

10. Let me make new friends.

Introduce me to other dogs, cats, or even bigger animals. We might now get along in the end, but having some more friends that look and smell like me makes my life that much brighter.

beagles friends photo faces staring

11. Give me a treat ever once in a while.

Food is one of my greatest pleasures in life. I know you want me to be healthy, so I understand when you don’t share your own meals with me. But giving me a dog biscuit when I’ve been good or mixing tasty vegetables mixed in with my dinner is guaranteed to make me wag my tail extra hard.

face eyes beautiful dog beagle

12. Please don’t hit me.

I have teeth that can crush bone. Instead, I cover you in sloppy, wet kisses. Just as I choose not to hurt you, please make the choice to not hurt me.

begging funny beagle sitting pics


Move on to the next page for even more important reminders that will serve you well as awesome Beagle owners!

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823 thoughts on “20 Things All Beagle Owners Must Never Forget

  1. This is Blue he is 3 years old and still a puppy. He does not like long walks on the beach, he does like long car rides with the window cracked open. He does not like poetry, he does like playing in the daily mail. He does not like baths, he does like digging in the dirt, and singing in tunnels. Today he is bored.

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