20 Extinct Dog Breeds So Strange That We Wish They Still Existed

It sure seems like there are more dog breeds living around the world than most people can count. But believe it or not, there was a time in which there were even more.

These long-gone breeds once ran around with our ancestors, keeping them company just like our dogs do today. But each of these breeds are now extinct, with practically no hope of ever coming back.

1.  The coonhound and the beagle are descendants of the now-extinct talbot, known for its powerful sense of smell. Some have compared the breed to the present-day bloodhound.


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26 thoughts on “20 Extinct Dog Breeds So Strange That We Wish They Still Existed

  1. Why does it have to be clickbait? One thing pertaining to the article per page for a 20 article list that’s twenty clicks. And every time a game is being played I will unfollow…..

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