She Sees Two Horses Trotting Among Wildflowers, But Who Joins Them? So Incredible!

When you live in a wonderful place like Montana, there are plenty of sights to see. From the rolling hills to the lush forests, there’s everything for the nature lover to enjoy.

And one of the greatest things to see is a herd of wild horses, sprinting across the horizon. Sandy Palin has the pleasure of living in Montana and has witnessed wild horses running across Pryor Mountain on many occasions.

This video presents us with one of those encounters, where we get to see these large graceful creatures living out each day. They graze and they play with each other, always watching each other’s backs to ensure that everyone is safe.

Take a look at this video below!

Even the adorable babies are used to this free way of living, sticking close to their mother’s sides so that they won’t get left behind. These creatures are definitely living the good life.

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