19 Reasons Why Rottweilers Are The Worst Dogs To Live With

Oh Rottweilers… the breed that has become one of the most popular of all dog breeds in the United States (and among celebrities)…

Is it because of their calm, confident, and courageous personality? or all of the above?

Typically steadfast, sensible, and serious (though some are happy-go-lucky clowns!), the Rottweiler tends to respond quietly and with a wait-and-see attitude to influences in his environment.

Most Rottweilers are inclined toward dominance and will test for position in the family pecking order, but they will respect an assertive owner who knows how to lead a strong-minded dog.

Overall, the Rottweiler is a splendid, capable companion in the right hands, but without ongoing companionship, socialization, obedience training, and supervision, he is “too much dog” for many households.

But as popular as they’ve become, you might be shocked to know that they are the worst dogs to live with… and there are 19 reasons for it.

Check out the 19 reasons why Rottweilers are the worst dogs to live with on the next page:

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357 thoughts on “19 Reasons Why Rottweilers Are The Worst Dogs To Live With

  1. OMG are you people dense or what the article was making fun of popular UNTRUTHS about the breed showing pictures OPPOSITE of the statements. OMG no wonder why the world is in the shape it is look what we’re dealing with!!

  2. Yep I’m definitely crazy then and damn proud of it lol they’re just the most beautiful and loyal dog there is at least they are to me. I can’t wait to get another one.

  3. We have not 1 not 2 several rotts..they died already with hips problems …but let me tell you something these breed is a Majestic, Loyal, Charismatic, Protector,Caring and most important Fun Pets…our Thor the Best Dog Ever…this article is 3 times Wrong..Who write it Wrong wrong

  4. I LOVE ROTTWEILERS have an 8 yr old female rescue she is totally lovable and so calm even when these small yappy dogs attack her she never retaliates don’t know of many other breeds that would put up with that. She has been a blessing to the whole family children included there not frightened at all. All the locals know her and give her so many compliments in fact there have been a few who were frightened of rottweilers but got cured after encouraging them to stroke her they see immediately how calm and full of love she is

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