19 Reasons Why Dachshunds Are The Worst Dogs To Live With

Oh Dachshunds… the breed that has become one of the most popular of all dog breeds in the United States (and among celebrities)…

Is it because of their lively, playful, devoted, clever, stubborn, courageous personality? or all of the above?

These comical clowns love to play games and has a great sense of humor. They are loyal little dogs, very attached to their family, and they firmly believe that sleeping under the bedcovers is in the Dachshund Bill of Rights.

Dachshunds attract devoted followers who would never consider having any other breed. Indeed, Dachshunds are often kept in pairs, which is A-OK with them, since they seem to recognize and prefer being with other “wiener dogs”.

But as popular as they’ve become, you might be shocked to know that they are the worst dogs to live with… and there are 19 reasons for it.

Check out the 19 reasons why Dachshunds are the worst dogs to live with on the next page:

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1,061 thoughts on “19 Reasons Why Dachshunds Are The Worst Dogs To Live With

  1. All of us adored our dachshunds, inspite of them always sitting in the most comfortable chair and jumping up onto the bed. I awoke once in the morning to see a brown furry face on the pillow beside to me

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