19 Reasons Why Cocker Spaniels Are The Worst Dogs To Live With

Oh Cocker Spaniels… the beautiful, sweet-natured and moderately sized dogs that are ever so popular among dog owners….

Is it because of their loving, affectionate and gentle personality? or all of the above?

Beautiful to look at (and labor-intensive to groom), the Cocker’s amenable, cheerful disposition also makes him a treat to have in the family.

Never more pleased than when he’s pleasing you, he’s as happy to snuggle on the couch with his favorite adults as to romp in the yard with the kids.

But as popular as they’ve become, you might be shocked to know that they are the worst dogs to live with… and there are 19 reasons for it.

Check out the 19 reasons why Cocker Spaniels are the worst dogs to live with on the next page:

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244 thoughts on “19 Reasons Why Cocker Spaniels Are The Worst Dogs To Live With

  1. I was going to say …no way are they the worst dogs! I have had 5 since 1987 and can not imagine myself with anyother breed(well except maybe a whitle lab:) love them like they are my kids

  2. I had my cocker spaniel since she was 6 weeks old and she made her way into heaven by the time she was 16 years old and this was the best little fur baby I ever had, she was a very good girl gave us no trouble at all, even liked her family of cats.

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