19 Reasons Why Chihuahuas Are The Worst Dogs To Live With

Oh Chihuahuas… the smallest breed of dog named for the state of Chihuahua in Mexico, that has become one of the most popular of all dog breeds in the United States (and among celebrities)…

Is it because of being the world's smallest dog yet having the world's biggest personality stashed inside that tiny body? That larger-than-life persona that makes him appealing to men and women alike? or all of the above?

Fun and busy, Chihuahuas like nothing better than to be close to their people. They follow them everywhere in the house and ride along in tote bags when their people run errands or go shopping.

It's not unusual for Chihuahuas to form a close bond with a single person, and they can become very demanding if they're overindulged.

But as popular as they’ve become, you might be shocked to know that they are the worst dogs to live with… and there are 19 reasons for it.

Check out the 19 reasons why Chihuahuas are the worst dogs to live with on the next page:

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1,510 thoughts on “19 Reasons Why Chihuahuas Are The Worst Dogs To Live With

  1. The one I have is a perfect little pet, doesn’t bark, loves everyone, just content to be held and loved on, I’ve had 3 one lived to be 17, she did bark some, but was a perfect little lap dog too. I just wouldn’t have any thing else!

  2. I have several Chihuahuas are my cancer therapy dogs.Best Lil dogs I’ve ever had for therapy dogs .when in sick like I have been last few days they stay rite by my side or lay on top of my comforter .

  3. I had my beloved chihuahua gor 19 years and she got snippy in her later years but we loved her anyway but she couldnt get out unless we let so it was unnerving to our mailman when she jumped up and down at our door.

  4. I just love my lola she’s the sweetest baby girl . She barks when she hears someone at the door or an unusual noise but I thought that’s what dogs do . I know I get happy when she hears a noise at 3 am and barks to let me know that something is going on but also to tell the noise hey im in here I might be small but I will defend my family lol !!!

  5. You are all ways going to find someone who disagrees with you about Chihuahuas
    they do same with Pit Bulls too.I own them too onedwells at night inside my house with his Chihuahua buddies he has its all on how your raise and train them nothing else.Give been in dogs 58 yrs prior to 2008 I never owned a Chihuahua ever .Then I bought a tea cup male his sister delgado goes every where with me.Hes one of my cancer therapy dogs .He,a good Lil boy as is others I own .

  6. I have had my Chloe for two years now I got her when my mom passed a way she took all my sadness and turned. It into a happy life I am so grateful to her and love her so much can’t imagine my life without her I would be so lonely she was a God send

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