15 Things Dogs Love the Most

Pet Them Where They Enjoy It Most

How does your dog prefer being pet? It's a question that has stumped dog owners for centuries. But, science now has an answer.

A study published in Journal of Veterinary Behavior found that dogs show more signs of stress—like yawning, freezing, lip licking, or elevated heart rates—when they are pet on the head, muzzle, shoulders or paws.

Petting on the chest however, is associated with a decrease of heart rate, and is more calming to a dog.

Nevertheless, many dogs are comfortable with any types of interactions—even with strangers—because they’re used to being around people. Nonetheless, it's best to stroke your dog where they enjoy it most.

And remember, not to confuse chest rubs with belly rubs. A dog who rolls over and shows you their underside is in a vulnerable position. And it's not a good time to rub their belly. Dogs prefer a good gentle chest rub to a belly rub any day.

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