15 Signs That Indicate You’re A Crazy Dachshund Person… And Are Damn Proud of It!

No doubt about it: the Dachshund is probably the world's most recognizable breed. From toddlers to octogenarians, everyone knows the funny little fellow with the sausage body, stubby legs, and waving tail…

…and the wiener dog has been used to sell everything from Slinky children's toys to foot-long frankfurters. Images of Dachsies abound in cartoons, caricatures, and commercials.

Brave, loyal. determined and loving, the unique Dachshund always makes life interesting and have crazy human fans who love 'em!

Well, how about you? Ever wonder whether your obsession with your Dachshund is healthy or whether you may in fact be veering into crazy territory?

There are fifteen signs that'll indicate the likelihood of you being a crazy Dachshund person… and are damn proud of it!

To see whether you are indeed a person with an obsessive Dachshund disorder (there's no shame here!), move on to the next page!

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534 thoughts on “15 Signs That Indicate You’re A Crazy Dachshund Person… And Are Damn Proud of It!

  1. Every time I read this it brings tears to my eyes. Yes its always so hard to lose a valued fur friend. I know he is over the rainbow bridge having the rand old time. I plan to make a leather portrait of him as well as the other two I had. You have such beautiful little guys and thanks for sharing!

  2. I love my doxie dearly, having adopted her 5 months ago. She loved snuggling up under my neck..loved being with me. I do not understand why she moves away from me when I reach out to tough her or hold her. I can’t even hold her to get her harness on her to take her out which she loves. Any ideas would be appreciated.

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