Don’t adopt a German Shepherd. Here are 15 reasons why

The German Shepherd is known for being a regal, guard dog that is loyal to the end. But, the truth is — there is a hidden world of German Shepherds that many people don’t know about.

We’re here to warn you about 15 reasons you should never adopt a German Shepherd.

It’s important that you take these very seriously.

1. From the second they’re born, they are vicious creatures.

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2. And when they’re puppies? You’re always in danger.

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3. They really shouldn’t be trusted around children.

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4. Other animals can’t stand them.

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5. Especially other dogs. German Shepherds are their worst nightmare.

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28 thoughts on “Don’t adopt a German Shepherd. Here are 15 reasons why

  1. Discrimination of large dogs has to end. German Shepherds, Pit Bulls, Dobermans, Rottweilers, Great Danes. etc., etc., do NOT deserve the treatment Insurance Companies and others give them.

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