12-Year-Old Girl Saves Elderly Pug Thrown From Moving Car

A 12-year-old girl is a hero to an elderly pug who was tied up in a plastic bag and thrown out of a car to die by the side of the road.

It's just so sad and heartbreaking to hear dogs getting neglected and abandoned like this elderly pug…

…but when we see ordinary people, let alone a 12-year-old girl, go out of their way to save dogs in need, our faith in humanity somewhat gets restored!

Check out the video to learn more about Teddy the elderly pug’s heartless abandonment, and the 12-year-old girl who came to his fortuitous rescue on the next page :

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424 thoughts on “12-Year-Old Girl Saves Elderly Pug Thrown From Moving Car

  1. God help the person who does something like this in front of me. I have no problem giving you a beat down shoving you in a plastic bag & throwing you from a moving car! There is no possible excuse for abusing an animal this way!

  2. Oh my god!!!! What is wrong with people??? I love my senior pug and will do everything I can for her!!! Poor old guy!!! Breaks my heart. God bless your rescuers!!!!

  3. Dam people what is wrong with you ? Who throws a dog out of a moving car wrapped in a trash bag. Why couldn’t you have just took him to a shelter. I hope your nasty$#%&!@*gets caught, you don’t deserve any kind of animal.

  4. Unbelievable.
    Pugs are awesome I haveva young one but had one till 14. Their characters never diminish.
    If they get sick and beyond a good quality of life have them put down. But this literally throwing them away – that character wants locking up.

  5. Mine was put down at 14. He did awesome until the last few months and always had his great pug character. Now I have just got a 3 year old pug and if she goes on for another 12 years I will be more than happy.

  6. Seriously infuriating! How could anyone do that to another living being much less one as lovable and loving as a pug? My pug baby is only 16 months old, but i could never imagine abandoning him, especially when he’s older or has more health problems and would need me the most.

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