12-Year-Old Girl Saves Elderly Pug Thrown From Moving Car

A 12-year-old girl is a hero to an elderly pug who was tied up in a plastic bag and thrown out of a car to die by the side of the road.

It's just so sad and heartbreaking to hear dogs getting neglected and abandoned like this elderly pug…

…but when we see ordinary people, let alone a 12-year-old girl, go out of their way to save dogs in need, our faith in humanity somewhat gets restored!

Check out the video to learn more about Teddy the elderly pug’s heartless abandonment, and the 12-year-old girl who came to his fortuitous rescue on the next page :

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424 thoughts on “12-Year-Old Girl Saves Elderly Pug Thrown From Moving Car

  1. To you pieces of$#%&!@*who threw this dog out of a car to die, KARMA WILL GET YOU!!!!! It always does. Lets hope you die a miserable, painful, rotting flesh death that lingers for a long time.

  2. Such a miserable 1st owner. This young lady is giving love to him by caring enough to check out the bag. This lucky pug will find a home easily and have more love given/to give that you know. Thank you young lady for caring.

  3. when i hear people do this to the gift we are given from Creator i want to do the same thing to them, put them in a bag and thrown them a moving car!!!!! that just makes me sick, i have 2 little ones of my own, and i would never ever do this!!!!!

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